Did you know that you can get your next iGlow product for free? If you share your iGlow experience with videos or images, and we can share it in our channels, we are more than happy to send new products your way. Or some other products in case there's anything else you'd like to try.
The videos and images must of course be of a certain quality before we can send new products, but the most important thing is that you're conveying your genuine thoughts on the products you're using.
Send videos and images to love@iglow.me
You can also apply to join our affiliate program, either by going to our menu or by following this link: https://www.iglow.me/pages/affiliate
If the files you wish to share are to large for regular email, we recommend to use wetransfer.com for larger files.
Please reach out if you have any questions at all, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Lots of love
The iGlow team 💕